Centre des monuments nationaux Apps

Quatre vies en résistance (EN) 1.0
The app of the "Quatre vies en résistance"exhibition at the Panthéon, from 8 May 2015 to 10 January 2016.This exhibition is an opportunity to discover the journey offour members of the Resistance to the Panthéon: Pierre Brossolette,Geneviève de Gaulle-Anthonioz, Germaine Tillion and Jean Zay. Whatdo they have in common? They’re all celebrated for their activecommitment to the Resistance during the Second World War.Use this app to find out the story of these figures byinteracting with elements found in the exhibition. One of the fourcharacters will guide visitors of all ages, introducing games andpuzzles along the way.Enjoy your visit!
Quatre vies en résistance 1.0
The app of the "Quatre vies en résistance"exhibition at the Panthéon, from 8 May 2015 to 10 January 2016.This exhibition is an opportunity to discover the journey offour members of the Resistance to the Panthéon: Pierre Brossolette,Geneviève de Gaulle-Anthonioz, Germaine Tillion and Jean Zay. Whatdo they have in common? They’re all celebrated for their activecommitment to the Resistance during the Second World War.Use this app to find out the story of these figures byinteracting with elements found in the exhibition. One of the fourcharacters will guide visitors of all ages, introducing games andpuzzles along the way.Enjoy your visit!
Quatre vies en résistance (ES) 1.0
La aplicación de la exposición "Quatre viesenrésistance"en el Panteón, del 8 de mayo de 2015 al 10 de enerode2016.Con esta exposición podrás descubrir la trayectoria de loscuatroresistentes recién llegados al Panteón: PierreBrossolette,Geneviève de Gaulle Anthonioz, Germaine Tillion y JeanZay. ¿Quétienen en común? Haber destacado por su compromiso conlaresistencia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.Descubre la historia de estas personalidades gracias aestaaplicación interactuando con los elementos presentes enlaexposición. El visitante (niño o adulto) es acompañado porunpersonaje mediante distintos juegos y enigmas.¡Disfruta de la visita!The application oftheexhibition "Quatre vies en résistance"the Pantheon, the May 8, 2015 to January 10, 2016.With this exhibition you will discover the path of thefournewcomers to the Pantheon resistant: Pierre Brossolette,Genevièvede Gaulle Anthonioz, Germaine Tillion and Jean Zay. Whatdo theyhave in common? He has stood out for their commitment totheresistance during World War II.Discover the history of these personalities thanks tothisapplication interacting with the elements present intheexhibition. The visitor (child or adult) is accompanied byacharacter with different games and puzzles.Enjoy your visit!
OFabulis (Beta) 2.9
Discover the game OFabulis currently in bêta !An online video game between Point & Click and MMORPGwithFrench most famous monuments as setting (AbbayeduMont-Saint-Michel, Panthéon, Château d’If, etc.):- Create your avatar- Explore some of the most beautiful French monuments- Search for de Pierre Roux- Solve puzzle to progress through a non linearfictionalscenario- Meet legendary character such as Mazarin, Mélusine,Voltaire,…OFabulis is an independant and experimental game byEdwigeLelièvre, made as partnership between UniversitédeVersailles-Quentin-en-Yvelines, the Centre des monumentsnationauxand the company Emissive.
Carnac 1.1.6
Explore the alignments of Carnac.
Sainte-Chapelle stained glass 1.5
Discover the stained glass windows of Sainte-Chapelle in Paris !
Coucy 1917
Discover the castle of Coucy just after its destruction in 1917!
La Ménagerie fantastique
Go in search of monsters that inhabit the Pierrefonds Castle!
Le château d'If 1.0.0
Discover the Chateau d'If!
Azay-le-Rideau 1.0.6
Discover the castle of Azay-le-Rideau from the landscaped grounds.
Parcours Conciergerie 1.0.1
The plan of the Conciergerie and all the texts of the course in 6languages!
礼宾路线 1.0.0
All text Conciergerie maps and courses
Les trésors du Fort Saint-Andr 1.0.0
Discover the hidden treasures of Fort Saint-André
Vitraux basilique Saint-Denis 1.0.5
Come closer to the windows of Saint-Denis basilica!
Arco di trionfo 1.0.0
Come and explore the Triumphal Arch and discover its magnificentdecorations!
Le Panthéon et la Révolution 1.0.1
Discover the Pantheon shaped by the great men of the FrenchRevolution.
Zevs Noir Eclair 1.0.3
The application of EXHIBITION BLACK FLASH, of ZEVS, Chateau deVincennes.
Clemenceau le tigre vendéen 2020.12.11
Discover the intimacy of Clemenceau during a visit in OverlapReality®
Abbaye de Cluny 1.0.5
visit application to discover Cluny Abbey family.
La fabrique à histoires
With the factory in stories cheeks to rewrite the history ofmonuments!
Arco del triunfo 1.0.0
Come explore the Arc de Triomphe and magnificent scenery!
Führung durch die Conciergerie 1.0.0
The plan of the Conciergerie and the whole
Percorso Conciergerie 1.0.2
The plan and the set of the way visit texts in six languages!
L'Apocalypse 1.0.2
Discover the hidden side of the tapestry of the Apocalypse
Salses en BD 1.0.3
Follow the leader in interactive comics and illustrated thefortress of Salses!
Welcome to the Arc de triomphe 1.0.6
Come and explore the Arc de Triomphe and discover its amazingdecoration!
Triumphbogen 1.0.0
Discover the Arc de Triomphe and its magnificent decor!
Château et remparts de la cité de Carcassonne
Follow the guide and discover the castle and ramparts of the cityof Carcassonne!
Saint Louis roi de France 1.1
Application of St. Louis King of France in Anjou exposure toChateau d'Angers
Vincennes en famille 1.0.7
Discover family, the Château de Vincennes in the company ofCharlesV.
Visita de la Conciergerie 1.0.1
The plane of the Conciergerie and travel set of texts in6languages!
Fort Saint-André - La visite 1.0.1
Young and old, discover the Fort Saint-Andre!
Discover the Conciergerie 1.0.2
The plan of the Conciergerie and all the texts of the visit.
Carnac stones 1.1.2
Discover the stones of Carnac !
Arc de triomphe 1.0.7
Come explore the Arc de Triomphe and discover its beautifulscenery!
Les murs vous parlent 1.0.2
Enter the castle and discover its history through graffiti.